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The State Committee for Material-Technical Supply (Russian: Государственный комитет по материально-техническому снабжению Gosudarstvennyy komitet po material'no-tekhnicheskomu snabzheniyu), commonly abbreviated Gossnab (Госснаб), is a state committee under the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union. It is responsible for supply of all unprocessed materials for medium and heavy industry as well as construction in the country. It was charged primarily with the allocation of producer goods to enterprises, a critical state function in the absence of markets.

Gossnab is one of more than thirty state committees under the Council of Ministers, the administrative arm of the Soviet government, along with other economic organs such as Gosplan (the state planning committee) and Gosbank (the state bank). Created amid a series of economic reforms implemented under Premier Alexei Kosygin in the mid-1960s, Gossnab coordinated the allocation of resources not handled by Gosplan. Until the introduction in the late 1990s of employee-owned cooperatives to many sectors of the economy which were free to pursue economic projects independent of state planning, Gossnab had mixed success in creating a wholesale trade system, as it was based on direct contracts between suppliers and users.
